In a recent article on CBC Radio Canada, it is noted that online communication is a lifeline during pandemic but lacks non-verbal cues. Because of lockdowns, we have had to rethink the world of online communication with friends, family and colleagues. Video conferencing technology, thankfully, puts a lot more of the non-verbal clues back into the communication.

On Screen Communication


Seeing yourself in front of the screen can make you uncomfortable.

Don’t fuss with your hair or touch your face.

It makes you look vain or nervous.

Your body language, eye contact on the screen, face and hand gestures, and tone improve your communication. 

Use a friendly tone so you are welcoming.

Encourage others to speak openly with you. 

Use and pay attention to nonverbal signals. They express how a person is feeling. 

Clear Pronunciation

Speak slowly to pronounce each word clearly.

Don’t talk too much or too little. 

Be ‘short and sweet’ so your listener pays attention and understands exactly what you are saying. 

Don’t use complicated city or place names that are in your own language.

Don’t repeat your words or phrases. Or say ‘like’, ‘um’, ‘ah’ or ‘eh’. These are fillers. Instead, just stay silent until you find the words you want to complete a sentence.


LISTENING IS THE KEY TO GOOD COMMUNICATION, NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE – face to face or in front of your screen. Ask clarifying questions so you will understand clearly (“So, what you say is…”). Always give complete sentence replies to these basic questions such as “Who…?”, “What…?”, “When…?”, “Where…?”, “Why…?”, and “How…?”.

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