People with AMBITION usually have a strong desire and determination to achieve success – BIG RESULTS. 

Some synonyms for ambition are:

  • aspiration
  • desire
  • energy
  • longing
  • zeal

Are you one of these people with ambition? How are you going to achieve it?

Our society holds ambitious people in high regard. “Positive ambition is perceived as a driving force that can help people navigate through a labyrinth of obstacles. Mapping a plan for success in any aspect of life teaches resilience. Ambitious people find a way around their problems and overcome any hindrances they may encounter.” – excerpted from an article on 

Moving your job to the next level means setting and keeping your career goals. You want a targeted objective that explains what your ultimate career goal to be. You want a plan that is personalized and innovative.

When you define your career goals, you take the first critical step to achieving success – to reaching your ambition. 


My 35-year-old client Clarise is a perfect example of being ambitious. She came to Toronto which is nicknamed the “Silicon Valley of the North” from Brazil with her husband 1.5 years ago to improve their lives. As a graduate with an MA in Computer Science, she never took her eye off her goal…to speak English so that she could continue to work in her field. 

Clarise began her English journey with a 4 Band Score. She worked as a cleaner during the evenings and while becoming my client. I provided her with an innovative, personalized program and she worked tirelessly with me online class to improve her English skills. Her ambition is what kept her eye on the ‘golden ring’.

Clarise recently wrote her IELTS exam and got a 6.5 Band Score. That score enabled her to get hired in her area of expertise last week as an ITproject manager. She did it! Her ambition to succeed in her English skills is what got her there!

Building your English skills is the perfect way to move to the next level in your own IT career just as Clarise did.

I can help you with your plan. Contact me!

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